PM�s Youth Business Loans
- What are the salient features of PM�s Youth Business Loan?
- Who can apply under this Scheme?
- Where can I get loan application form?
- What if the amount of financing required by the business is more than the loan limit specified in this Scheme?
- If I select a feasibility developed by SMEDA, but require less funding than what is advised in that feasibility?
- What documents should I submit with my loan application form?
- What is the monthly installment of loan?
- Where can I submit loan application?
- Is there any educational qualification requirement for obtaining Loan?
- Is there any last date for loan application?
- What is the criteria for guarantor?
- What is net worth?
- Can guarantor be Blood Relative of the applicant?
- When does the first Loan installment become due?
- What steps are involved in application processing?
- What if my name is not included in the list of successful loan applicants?
- Who will inform me about the approval status of my application?
- What if my loan application is rejected by the bank? How can �rejects� fulfill their �shortcomings�?
- What if I have a problem in my business?
- What will be penalty on delays in repayments or if I am unable to payback the loan?
- Is there any limit on number of loans for particular sector or geographical area?
- How much time is required for processing the loan?
- Can I get loan for existing Business?
- Is there any option for early retirement of loan?
- Are balloon payments allowed?
- Can I get this loan if I am a Bank defaulter?
- If I am a Woman, can I apply for loan from NBP?
- I want to do a business which requires Rs. 5 Million. I can arrange Rs 3 million from private source. Since I am short of Rs. 2 million, can I also apply for Rs. 2 million loan under the scheme?